Thursday, August 6, 2015

PLANNER UPDATE: Moving from a Binder Style to a Bound Style??

As the new school year quickly approaches, I've been thinking a lot about my planner and whether my current situation is going to work well for now having one in all day kindergarten and another beginning preschool. I will now not only contain our household schedule, meal planning, and personal appointments in my planner - but also juggle school deadlines, field trips, and special school dates in my calendar as well.

Just writing it out seems a bit overwhelming. In the past, I've tried having multiple agendas - one for each "subject" or area of life it pertained to, and I found this just didn't work for me. What works best, is having one extremely efficient planner that can do it all - so I can reference our entire schedule at a glance.

So now the question becomes... is my current planner situation going to work for me? My answer I'm thinking is... probably not?

As pretty as it is, the Kikki K isn't the most practical design for holding multiple schedules and it is also too big to carry in my purse comfortably. I'm on the hunt to find the perfect planner replacement and with a little under a month to do so! I'm considering making the switching back to a "bound style" planner. Brands such as Blue Sky Day Designer (found at Target), Erin Condren, and Plum Paper Planner all offer this bound style planner.

For years I have been using more of a "binder style" planner, like the Filofax, Louis Vuitton, and Kikki K styles that I currently own - you purchase paper inserts for each year (or they arrive with them new also) and place them into the binder area. There are usually card slots, pen holders, and paper slots as well with these types of binder style planners.

The problem with them is... they're bulky. Really bulky. And heavy. If I want to grab my planner and bring it along - well, I just don't. They are too bulky!

For this upcoming school year, I'd like to try something that has plenty of writing space to hold all AND can easily be carried from area to area in our house - with the possibility of being able to bring it out of the house as well if needed. I've picked up the Blue Sky Day Designer from Target to try out the style and see what I think - if it works great, I might even look into getting a more customizable planner in the bound style as well.

Have you ever made the switch from a binder style planner to a bound planner? Did it work out well for you?

Check out my Planner Update on YouTube:

* This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.


  1. I love the Do It All Mom engagement calander. What did you decide on?

  2. I love the Do It All Mom engagement calander. What did you decide on?

    1. I haven't seen that one! I did end up ordering the Plum Paper Planner, so I'm excited to try it out and see how it works for me!

    2. Awesome! I love all the calendar stickers around, too. :)
